Bedroom Drawing
Made with Micron pens and colored pencils on sketchbook paper. Modeled after my attic bedroom I kept at my parents’ house in my early 20’s. I want to fill this in with some Photoshop brushes… stay tuned.
Made with Micron pens and colored pencils on sketchbook paper. Modeled after my attic bedroom I kept at my parents’ house in my early 20’s. I want to fill this in with some Photoshop brushes… stay tuned.
Facebook Group is a fun place to interact, share, Chat with all your Friends, Colleague etc. You can gather all your close friends and add them to a group instantly on Facebook Website, Android App. But you need to play a simple trick to select your friends & add all of them to one Facebook Group. Here in this article you will learn that trick & use it n-number of times and it still works
Facebook being a Social media giant has millions of photos uploaded every day all over the world. You can not view all facebook private photos as per the privacy settings by the Facebook team. if you are looking for a tricky way to view or see the Facebook Private photos, Just read this complete guide.